Review of Supply Chain


Economic Lot Size Model

Total cost


Average inventory level

Q2\frac Q2

Cycle time


Average total cost per unit time

CtT=KT+hQ2=KDQ+hQ2\frac{C_t}{T}=\frac KT+\frac{hQ}{2}=\frac{KD}{Q}+\frac{hQ}{2}

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

Q=argminQCtT=argminQKDQ+hQ2=2KDhQ=\arg\min_Q \frac{C_t}{T}=\arg\min_Q \frac{KD}{Q}+\frac{hQ}{2}=\sqrt{\frac{2KD}{h}}

Single Period Models

  • Fixed cost $100,000
  • Variable cost $80 per unit
  • Sale price $125
  • Salvage price $20

Scenario I

  • Produce 10,000 units
  • Sell 12,000 units (Demand)
  • Probability 27%


Scenarios II

  • Produce 10,000 units
  • Sell 8,000 units
  • Probability 11%


Relationship between Optimal Quantity and Average Demand

  • Marginal Profit > Marginal Cost => Optimal Quantity > Average Demand
  • Marginal Profit < Marginal Cost => Optimal Quantity < Average Demand

Risk-Reward Tradeoffs

  • Minimal Ordering Quantity (MOQ)
  • Minimal Packing Quantity (MPQ)

Initial Inventory

Trade-off between

  • Using on-hand inventory to meet demand and avoid paying fixed production cost: need sufficient inventory stock
  • Paying the fixed cost of production and avoid lose of sales

Multiple Order Opportunities

Continuous Review Policy ((Q,R) Policy)

  • Average daily demand, AVGAVG
  • Standard deviation of daily demand, STDSTD
  • Replenishment lead time, LL
  • Holding cost, hh
  • Service level, α\alpha

Average demand during lead time

L×AVGL\times AVG

Safety stock

z×STD×Lz\times STD\times\sqrt L

Reorder level

R=L×AVG+z×STD×LR=L\times AVG + z\times STD\times \sqrt L

Average Inventory

Q2+z×STD×L\frac Q2+z\times STD\times\sqrt{L}

Order Quantity

Q=2K×AVGhQ=\sqrt{\frac{2K\times AVG}{h}}

Approximation from EOQ, Q=2KDhQ^{\star}=\sqrt{\frac{2KD}{h}}

Periodic Review Policy

Short Intervals ((s,S) Policy)

Same as (Q, R) Policy

Longer Intervals (Base-stock level policy)

低价商品 (Nails and Screw)

  • Average daily demand, AVGAVG
  • Standard deviation of daily demand, STDSTD
  • Lead time LL
  • Length of the review period rr
  • Service level, α\alpha

Average demand during an interval of r+Lr+L

(r+L)×AVG(r+L)\times AVG

Base-stock level

(r+L)×AVG+z×STD×r+L(r+L)\times AVG+z\times STD\times\sqrt{r+L}

Average Inventory

r×AVG+safety stockr\times AVG+ \mathrm{safety\ stock}

Make-to-Order Demo

Global Optimization

One Entity

  • Sale price $125
  • Salvage value $20
  • Fixed cost $0
  • Variable cost $35

Marginal profit $90, marginal cost $15

16,000 => $1,014,500

2 Stage Example

2 Stages (2 entities)

  • Buyer (retailer)
  • Supplier (manufacturer)

Buyer Information

  • Sale price $125
  • Wholesale price $80
  • Salvage price $20

Marginal profit $45, marginal cost $60

12,000 => $470,700

Supplier Information

  • Fixed cost $100,000
  • Variable cost $35 per unit


Buy-Back Contract

Buyer Information

  • Buy-back price $55

Marginal profit $45, marginal cost $25

14,000 => $513,800

Supplier Information


Revenue-Sharing Contract

Buyer Information

  • Wholesale price $60
  • 15% revenue to Supplier

14,000 => $504,325

Supplier Information


Make-to-Stock Demo

Global Optimization

One Entity

  • Sale price $125
  • Salvage price $20
  • Fixed cost $0
  • Variable cost $55

Marginal profit $70, marginal cost $35

14,000 => $705,700

2-Stage Example

2 Stage

  • Buyer (distributor)
  • Supplier (manufacturer)

Buyer Information

  • Sale price $125
  • Wholesale price $80


Supplier Information

  • Fixed cost $100,000
  • Variable cost $55 per unit
  • Salvage price $20

Marginal profit $25, marginal cost $60

12,000 => $160,400

Pay-Back Contract

Buyer Information


Supplier Information

  • Pay-Back price $18

Marginal profit $25, marginal cost $17

14,000 => $180,280

Cost-Sharing Contract

Buyer Information


Supplier Information

  • Wholesale price $62

  • Return 33% of the cost

14,000 => $182.380